产品 实验室耗材和材料 聚四氟乙烯材料 PTFE flask/PTFE three-necked flask/PTFE round bottom flask
PTFE flask/PTFE three-necked flask/PTFE round bottom flask


PTFE flask/PTFE three-necked flask/PTFE round bottom flask

货号 : PTFE-36

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The PTFE Flask (three-necked bottle) is a versatile laboratory tool designed for various applications due to its chemical resistance, temperature tolerance, and inert properties. This flask is particularly useful in environments where exposure to aggressive chemicals or high temperatures is common. Here are the main application areas:

  • Chemical Synthesis: Ideal for reactions involving corrosive substances, where the inertness of PTFE prevents any chemical interaction with the flask.
  • Research and Development: Commonly used in academic and industrial research labs for experiments involving a wide range of temperatures and chemicals.
  • Quality Control: Employed in analytical chemistry for volumetric analysis and other quality control processes where chemical resistance and accuracy are paramount.
  • Education: Used in educational settings to demonstrate chemical reactions and techniques due to their safety features and ease of use.
  • Environmental Testing: Suitable for handling samples in environmental analysis, especially where the sample may contain aggressive chemicals.
  • Pharmaceutical Research: Used in pharmaceutical applications where the purity of the materials is critical, as PTFE does not react with the substances being processed.
  • Heat Treatment: Capable of withstanding temperatures from -200°C to +250°C, making it suitable for heat treatment of samples.
  • Laboratory Scale Distillation and Evaporation: The three-necked design allows for multiple attachments, making it perfect for distillation setups and rotary evaporation processes.
  • General Laboratory Use: Its durability and resistance to breakage make it a reliable choice for general laboratory tasks where glass or other materials might be unsuitable.


The PTFE flask, is an essential piece of laboratory equipment designed for a variety of chemical processes. Made from high-quality PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene), these flasks offer a range of features that enhance their functionality and safety in laboratory settings. PTFE is renowned for its chemical resistance, durability, and temperature adaptability, making it an ideal material for laboratory glassware. Below are the key features of the PTFE flask that benefit users in their experiments and processes.

  • High Temperature Resistance: Capable of withstanding temperatures from -200°C to +250°C, the PTFE flask ensures stability and safety during high-temperature reactions and processes. This broad temperature range allows for versatility in various laboratory applications.
  • Corrosion Resistance: The flask is resistant to strong acids, strong alkalis, aqua regia, and various organic solvents. This resistance ensures that the flask does not dissolve, adsorb, or precipitate, maintaining the integrity of the chemicals and the accuracy of the experiments.
  • Anti-Pollution Properties: With low blank values of metal elements, the PTFE flask minimizes contamination risks, which is crucial for precise analytical and scientific research. This feature is particularly beneficial in volume analysis and heat treatment sample processes.
  • Translucent Design: The translucent nature of the flask allows for easy observation of the contents without the need to open the flask, enhancing safety and efficiency in the lab.
  • Non-Stick Surface: The non-stick surface of the PTFE flask simplifies cleaning, reducing the risk of cross-contamination and saving time in the laboratory.
  • Variety of Volumes: Available in various volumes, these flasks can be selected according to specific experimental needs, providing flexibility in laboratory setups.
  • Non-Leachable Material: Ensures an ultra-clean background, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity of sensitive chemical reactions and analyses.

These features not only enhance the performance and safety of the PTFE flask but also contribute to the efficiency and accuracy of laboratory experiments, making it a valuable asset in any laboratory setting.

Details & Parts

PTFE three-necked flask

PTFE three-necked flask

PTFE three-necked flask

PTFE three-necked flask

PTFE three-necked flask

PTFE three-necked flask


Technical specifications

The size is for reference only, please refer to the actual product.


The PTFE three-necked bottle, offers a range of advantages that make it a superior choice for various laboratory applications. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Excellent Chemical Resistance: These flasks are extremely inert and resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including corrosive substances like hydrofluoric acid. This makes them ideal for handling aggressive reagents without the fear of contamination or damage to the flask.
  • Durability and Safety: Unlike glass, PTFE flasks are unbreakable, reducing the risk of injury and contamination from glass shards. They are also lightweight, making them safer and easier to handle, especially in busy laboratory environments.
  • Low Coefficient of Friction and Lubricity: The surface of PTFE flasks is naturally smooth and non-stick, which aids in easy pouring and cleaning. This also minimizes the adhesion of substances to the flask, ensuring accurate measurements and reducing the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Excellent Dielectric Properties: PTFE flasks are excellent insulators, which is beneficial in experiments involving electrical properties or where electrical insulation is required.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Despite their high-quality material and performance, PTFE flasks are competitively priced, offering a cost-effective solution for laboratories without compromising on quality or safety.
  • Corrosion Resistance: The PTFE material used in these flasks is highly resistant to strong acids, strong alkalis, aqua regia, and various organic solvents. This ensures that the flask does not dissolve, adsorb, or precipitate, maintaining the integrity of the substances contained within.
  • Temperature Resistance: With the ability to withstand temperatures from -200ºC to +250ºC, these flasks are incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide range of heating and cooling processes without degradation.
  • Anti-Pollution Properties: The low blank value of metal elements in PTFE ensures that the flask does not introduce any metallic contamination into the samples, which is crucial for accurate and reliable results in analytical chemistry.
  • High-Temperature Stability: PTFE's high-temperature resistance up to 260ºC makes it suitable for use in high-temperature reactions and processes, ensuring that the flask does not deform or degrade under heat.
  • Chemical Compatibility: PTFE is inert and compatible with most chemicals, including hydrofluoric acid, making it an ideal choice for a variety of chemical reactions and storage needs.
  • Sterilization Ease: The material's inert nature allows for easy sterilization, which is essential in applications involving biological samples or where contamination must be minimized.
  • Versatility: The three-necked design of the PTFE flask allows for multiple attachments, such as stirrers, thermometers, and condensers, making it a versatile tool for complex laboratory setups and processes.

In summary, PTFE round-bottomed flasks combine the robustness of traditional glassware with the added benefits of PTFE's unique properties, making them a superior choice for modern laboratories dealing with a wide range of chemical and biological applications.


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聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)是四氟乙烯的合成含氟聚合物。它是一种白色蜡状固体,以其优异的不粘性、高耐化学性和低摩擦系数而著称。聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)的品牌名称 "特氟龙 "广为人知,它是杜邦公司分拆出来的 Chemours 公司的注册商标。

How should PTFE round-bottomed flasks be heated?

When heating, PTFE round-bottomed flasks should generally be placed on an asbestos net to ensure even heating. They should not be burned dry.

What are the advantages of using a PTFE Volumetric Flask over glass or PP flasks?

PTFE Volumetric Flasks offer several benefits including being opaque, unbreakable, and easy to clean. They are lightweight, microwaveable, and have excellent chemical resistance, moisture resistance, and high temperature resistance, making them suitable for harsh laboratory conditions.


聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)具有几种独特的性能,因此在各种应用中都非常受欢迎。它具有出色的耐化学性,几乎不受大多数化学品和溶剂的影响。PTFE 还不发生反应,因此适合在恶劣的环境中使用。它的摩擦系数低,具有极佳的不粘特性,即使在高温下也能保持不粘特性。聚四氟乙烯还具有电绝缘性,介电强度高,耐温范围广,可达到 -200 至 +260 摄氏度(-328 至 +500 华氏度)。此外,聚四氟乙烯还具有生物惰性,因此适用于医疗和食品级应用。


由于其独特的性能,PTFE 在各行各业都有广泛的应用。它通常用作煎锅和烤盘等炊具的不粘涂层。聚四氟乙烯还可用作处理腐蚀性化学品的管道、储罐和容器的内衬材料。它的摩擦系数低,适用于各种机械系统中的轴承、密封件和垫圈。聚四氟乙烯可用于电气绝缘,如电线电缆涂层,也可用于制造电气元件,如连接器和绝缘体。此外,由于具有生物相容性,PTFE 还可用于导管和外科植入物等医疗设备。


在各种应用中使用聚四氟乙烯具有多种优势。其优异的不粘性使其易于清洁和释放材料,减少了对过量润滑剂或清洁剂的需求。PTFE 的高耐化学腐蚀性确保了其长期耐用性和防腐蚀保护。它的低摩擦系数可减少磨损,提高机械系统的使用寿命。聚四氟乙烯的电绝缘性能使其可安全用于电气应用。此外,其生物相容性使其适用于医疗和食品级应用。聚四氟乙烯在高温下也非常稳定,能保持其特性而不会降解。总之,聚四氟乙烯的优点包括不粘性、耐化学性、低摩擦性、电绝缘性、生物相容性和高温稳定性。

使用 PTFE 时是否有任何限制或注意事项?

虽然聚四氟乙烯具有许多理想的特性,但也有一些限制和注意事项需要牢记。与其他工程材料相比,PTFE 的机械强度相对较低,因此可能不适合需要高承载能力的应用。它的热膨胀系数也相对较高,在某些应用中需要考虑其尺寸稳定性。聚四氟乙烯的粘合性能较差,因此很难直接在其表面进行粘合或涂漆。可能需要进行预处理或使用专门的粘合剂才能达到适当的粘合效果。此外,PTFE 容易受到高能辐射的破坏,因此可能不适合在辐射密集型环境中应用。同样重要的是要考虑到当 PTFE 受热超过其推荐温度范围时可能会释放出有毒烟雾。

PDF of PTFE-36


目录 聚四氟乙烯材料


目录 Ptfe



