知识 Why KBr is Used as Material for Pellets Formation in IR-Spectroscopy? 7 Key Reasons

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Why KBr is Used as Material for Pellets Formation in IR-Spectroscopy? 7 Key Reasons

Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique used to identify and analyze compounds based on their molecular vibrations.

KBr, or potassium bromide, is a commonly used material for forming pellets in IR spectroscopy.

Here are seven key reasons why KBr is preferred for this purpose.

1. Optically Transparent in the Fingerprint Region

Why KBr is Used as Material for Pellets Formation in IR-Spectroscopy? 7 Key Reasons

KBr is optically transparent in the fingerprint region of IR spectroscopy.

This means it allows IR radiation to pass through without absorbing or interfering with the signal.

This transparency is crucial for obtaining accurate IR spectra with sharp peaks, good intensity, and high resolution.

2. Plasticity Under Pressure

KBr is an alkali halide that becomes plastic when subjected to pressure.

This property allows it to form a sheet that is transparent in the infrared region when pressed into a pellet.

Other alkali halides, like cesium iodide (CsI), can also be used, especially for measuring the infrared spectrum in the low-wavenumber region.

3. Process of KBr Pellet Formation

The process of forming KBr pellets involves mixing a small percentage (approximately 0.1 to 1.0%) of the sample into fine KBr powder.

This mixture is then finely pulverized and put into a pellet-forming die.

A force of approximately 8 tons is applied under a vacuum for several minutes to form transparent pellets.

Degassing is performed to eliminate air and moisture from the KBr powder, as inadequate vacuum can result in easily broken pellets that scatter light.

4. Pulverization and Drying

Before forming the KBr powder into pellets, it is important to pulverize it to a specific mesh size (200 mesh max.) and then dry it at approximately 110 °C for two to three hours.

Rapid heating should be avoided, as it can oxidize some of the KBr powder to KBrO3, causing a brown discoloration.

After drying, the powder should be stored in a desiccator to prevent moisture absorption.

5. Variable Pathlengths

KBr pellets allow for variable pathlengths of the compound of interest.

This means the thickness of the pellet can be adjusted to control the amount of sample that the IR radiation passes through.

This flexibility in pathlength is advantageous for obtaining accurate and reliable results.

6. Background Measurements

When performing measurements, background measurements can be taken using an empty pellet holder or a pellet of KBr only.

These measurements help correct for infrared light scattering losses in the pellet and for moisture adsorbed on the KBr.

7. Overall Advantages

Overall, KBr is used as a material for pellet formation in IR-spectroscopy because of its optical transparency, plasticity under pressure, and ability to form transparent pellets.

It allows for accurate and reliable analysis of solid samples in the fingerprint region of IR spectroscopy.

Continue Exploring, Consult Our Experts

Experience the power of accurate and high-resolution IR spectroscopy with KINTEK's KBr pellets.

Our optically transparent KBr pellets ensure sharp peaks, good intensity, and precise analysis in the fingerprint region.

Maximize the potential of your solid samples by changing the pathlength and gain a competitive edge in your research.

Upgrade your IR spectroscopy game with KINTEK's KBr pellets today!

Contact us now for more information.




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